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9: 00a



Todos los ministerios fluyen de nuestro llamado bautismal a servir. Después de discernir en oración sus dones, decida cómo le gustaría servir a Dios y a su comunidad parroquial. Todos los ministerios requieren participar en sesiones de formación e información, así como capacitación en el ministerio antes de ser programados. Los ministros son miembros activos registrados de la parroquia.

Calendario y lista de contactos del ministerio litúrgico

Click on star for May - August
schedule & contact list


Serves at the altar and assists the presider during Mass. This ministry is open to all parishioners.

Lino de altar


Preparation of the altar linens is an important, easy, behind-the-scenes ministry. Ministers attend an introductory session to learn how to prepare the linens, then are scheduled for their month’s turn in rotation with the other ministers. This ministry is open to all parishioners.

Liturgia infantil de la palabra

Adult & High School Youth lead our youngest members in understanding God’s Word. Leaders & the children gather downstairs for prayer, reading of the Sunday Scriptures & an activity. They rejoin the Assembly for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This ministry is open to all parishioners.

limpiadores de iglesias

Parishioners clean our church every other week and they care for the plants in our environment. Interested parishioners are welcome to join this group of volunteers.  This ministry is open to all parishioners.

ministro eucarístico

There are 2 ways to serve as a Eucharistic Minister: during Mass or taking Eucharist to the homebound & hospitalized. Formation & information sessions are required before you are scheduled to serve. This ministry is open to parishioners fully initiated into the Church.


Unlike other liturgical ministries, proclamation of God’s Word requires specific skills & preparation. Formation & information sessions are required before you are scheduled to serve. This ministry is open to  parishioners fully initiated into the Church.

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